Pre Reading Materials for Evidence Based EFT Trainings

If you have registered for an upcoming EFT training, it is your responsibility to review the following documents, in order to fully prepare yourself for the training. If you choose not to, you may find yourself at a disadvantage during the training.

If you have already read some or all of these in the past, this is your lucky day (you get to read less)!  The TEDx talk is a good summary to watch as well.

The Evidence Based EFT Manual

Foundations, Key Concepts, and Core Techniques of Clinical EFT

Written by Dr Peta Stapleton & Naomi Janzen

This Manual will guide you through the foundational principles and practical applications of Clinical EFT. You will explore its effectiveness through various case studies and examples, with specific instructions and adjustments to try. The Manual gives a brief overview of the techniques, from simplest to most complex. This is followed by a step-by-step description of each technique’s core version plus adjustments to try that have merged from clinical practice.

The Manual also includes a range of downloadable handouts and graphic illustrations of the key concepts and core techniques. 

We strongly recommend you purchase this for accreditation.

How to Purchase Here

These are the Essential Papers to Read

Click On the link to Access The File

Research Summary Document
Is EFT Evidence Based? The 2022 Paper

These are Optional

Click On the link to Access The File

Meta Analysis EFT for PTSD
Clinical EFT Improves Multiple BioMarkers
Meta Analysis EFT for Depression
The Active Ingredient in EFT
Meta Analysis EFT for Anxiety
EFT Gene Study for PTSD
Chapter 4 EFT for PTSD
The Cortisol Replication Study
How Energy Psychology Changes Learnings

Are you ready to elevate your EFT practice? 

Our exclusive Clinical EFT video library is designed to help EFT practitioners deepen your skills, expand your knowledge, and deliver more effective results for your clients.  The benefits include:

  • Detailed EFT Demonstrations: Learn Clinical EFT techniques in real-time, with clear, easy-to-follow instructions.
  • Expert Guidance: Gain insights from world leading EFT researcher Dr Peta Stapleton and Evidence Based EFT Trainer and Mentor Michelle McCosker. 
  •  Client-Focused Strategies: Learn how to tailor Clinical EFT with adjustments and examples, to suit the unique needs of every client you work with.
  • Flexible Learning: Access the videos anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace.
  • Lifelong learning: Downloadable handouts of the steps in each core technique, with adjustments you can make.
Watch 4 Videos for Free Here


Is Therapy Facing a Revolution?

Dr Peta Stapleton presents on the 4th Wave

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